By The Urban Farmer
Free Food ,Shared Work, Thriving Eco-system: global small farms revolution inspires radical Townsite garden
Homegrown Magazine, Powell River, Spring, 2018
Edible Forest Gardens – A Perennial Agriculture Alternative
Canadian Organic Grower - Fall, 2010
On a Wing and a Prayer – The Urban Chicken-Keeping Movement Takes Flight
Canadian Organic Grower - Spring, 2010
Si Se Puede! – Visionary Farmers Fuel Cuba’s Agro-Ecological Movement
Canadian Organic Grower - Summer, 2009
The Edible Landscape – An Urban Farming Renaissance?
Canadian Organic Grower - Fall, 2007
Creating an Edible Landscape
The Gardener for the Prairies - Spring, 2007
When the Well Runs Dry
Water Conserving Strategies for the Prairie Garden & Landscape - Fall 2007
Gardens for Life – Creating Natural, Sustainable and Edible Landscapes
Synchronicity Magazine - April, 2008
From Under the Compost Pile
Boyle McCauley News, Monthly Column
Autumn in the Garden
September, 2007
Annette’s “Magic Garden”
July/August, 2007
Creating an Edible Landscape
June 2007
Bringing in the Harvest
September, 2006
Boyle McCauley Gardens Blossom
July/August, 2006
A Gallery of Boyle McCauley Gardeners
May, 2006
It’s Planting Time!
May, 2006
The Real Dirt on Earth Day
April, 2006
Grow Your Own!
March 2006
To Plant a Garden is to Grow a Home
Februrary, 2006
Food For Thought
Going Organic Alberta Columns
Saving the Planet Begins in the Soil
Newspaper Articles
Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share
New Westminster Anglican Diocese - October, 2012
Growing lessons to learn - film explores agricultural crossover between Canada and Cuba
Powell River Peak, July 20, 2011
Landscaping You Can Eat
Victoria Times Colonist - August 28, 2010
Garden Beautiful and Edible
The Saskatoon Star Phoenix - August 21, 2010
Feasting on Garden Beauty
The Edmonton Journal - August 12, 2010
Community Matters (Nancy Remple Column)
The Edmonton Examiner - August 2, 2010
Growing Concern
Lethbridge Sun Times - March 24, 2010
When It Comes to Nutrition, Nature Knows Best
Yukon News - February 12, 2010
Farming in the City
The Edmonton Journal - July 12, 2009
Grow Your Own Veggies
The Edmonton Journal - May 7, 2009
Landscaping Good Enough to Eat
The Edmonton Journal - July 19, 2008
Urban Farming an Example for a Changing World
The Edmonton Journal - October 10, 2007
The New Green Revolution – Bumper Crop of Local Alternatives
View Weekly Edmonton - June 1, 2006
Gardening Like there is a Tomorrow
The Edmonton Journal - June 15, 2006
Gardener Provides Food for Thought
The Edmonton Examiner - June 8, 2005
Veggies in Vogue
The Edmonton Journal - June 9, 2005
Magazine Articles
Urban Food Forest
Homegrown Magazine, Powell River, May, 2016A Philosophy to Garden By
Homegrown Magazine, Powell River, May 2013The Edible Landscape
Avenue Magazine, Olenka Melnyk - April, 2009Creating an Edible Prairie Landscape
Gardens West, Darlene Polachic - November 2008Urban Harvest
Food for Thought, Sally Johnston - Fall 2008Unruly Gardens Rule
Westworld Magazine - April 2008The Edible & Easy Care Yard
Local Gardener, Gwendolyn Simpson - Fall 2006
Other Publications
Engaging with Cuba’s Permaculture Movement – a Transformational Learning Model, book chapter with Dr. Mary Beckie in Action Research for Food System Transformation, Anderson, Chang & Wakeford, Editors, Coventry University, Centre for Agro-ecology, 2016.
The Permaculture Movement of FANJ in Cuba, book chapter in Sustainable Revolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms and Communities, Birnbaum, Juliana, and Fox, Louis, eds, North Atlantic Books, USA, 2014.
Sharing the Surplus – Canadian Interns Encounter Permacultura Cubana
Ecopolis with Dr. Mary Beckie, Antonio Nunez Jimenez Foundation for Nature and Humanity - Havana, Cuba, 2012
Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share
Anglican Diocese of New Westminster - October, 2012
Permaculture in the City: Ecological Habitus and the Distributed Ecovillage
Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia, Randolph Haluza-Delay - Book, 2013
On Television
Starts at 12:20
My Green House
Series, 2007
Simple, Fresh, Delicious
August 18, 2009
COGECO TV Interview
Ontario, March, 2010
Front Yard Edible Gardens
Interview with CBC’s Peter Brown
Urban Farming in Prince George, BC
City of Prince George
In the Movies
On the Radio
Summer 2010 Gardening Series
CBC Edmonton’s, “Radio-Active”
Front Yard Edible Gardens
Interview with CBC’s Peter Brown - August 24, 2010
Keeping Small Livestock in the City
August 9, 2010
Rainwater Harvesting and Residential Grey Water Use
August 4, 2010
Attracting Wildlife to your Yard
July 27, 2010
Preserving the Garden Harvest
July 20, 2010
Growing Fruit in Edmonton
July 13, 2010
Permaculture and Urban Agriculture in Cuba
July 6, 2010